So. Basically, there is a huge problem in the world's demand for oil. The demand is spilling over the world's supply. Oil production is not able to keep up with our demand for it, therefore we are doomed. However, I feel that if we take other ways to make energy into mind, we may be alright in the long run. I'm no professor, or nerd on economics or ecology, and all that jazz. But I do have some ideas. They probably won't work out as well as I imagine. But this IS a blog. I AM suppose to just ramble on about what is going on through my head while I type. So, here goes.
Wind turbines. I was taking a trip to Indiana U. a couple weeks ago, and everytime I go to visit, I take notice of how many wind turbines are set up in the area. It is AMAZING. I must have seen around ten, twenty, maybe even thirty of these gigantic, monstrous, winged contraptions. They were impressive, with their wings slowly moving through the air, cutting through it with the immense help of the wind. All the while, energy was being generated with these movements. It was astonishing to me. I kept talking with my mom about how I wished we had more of these around Illinois, but I'm not so sure where they could go. Chicago would be a great place, just because of how windy the climate is. Maybe in the park of a museum, like the exhibits for art outside. It would be sort of cool to look at. They. Are. Huge. Just sayin'. In case you've never seen one.
Also, I'm not sure why more organizations and people aren't using solar plates on their roofs and such. That always seemed like a great idea to me, and I don't see them around too often. I wish people could take more to these options, also walking and riding bikes around, instead of everything we are doing more commonly today. America is getting pretty lazy, and it is disappointing. We need to move, we need to move NOW. Or we're all doomed. So. That should be some motivation for you.
P.s. I just had an image in my head of tiny wind turbines, like the size of hands. Wouldn't that be adorable? AND efficient? Thought so.
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