Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, No Fish.

Nice title, I know. Thank you.

The fish are being over hunted. It's plain and simple as that. Japan and Norway are vigorously out there, capturing, killing, and selling fish on the market. But will they end all this when the fish become endangered? Most likely not. With this as their jobs, they depend on the money made from selling their catch to support their households and family. But does this make it right? I don't believe it does.

When watching Open Oceans, Empty Nets, I frequently cringed. As the people could just cut off the heads and tails of those poor fish, and throw their frozen bodies against the ground, I could bring myself to feel joy at all. It would have been odd if I felt joy during this film anyways. Point is, it really had an impact on me. Whoever had put together the movie really wanted to appeal to the audience's ethos, and capture their emotional mind to force that information of how the fish are quickly depleting in the world. I believe it is horrifying how fishermen are capturing fish. Especially with the trawling method, they are destroying the ocean floor as well as killing aquatic species. Sure, it is a quicker way to go about things, but it doesn't make it right!

One positive note I was happy about, was how there are fishermen still that use more traditional, healthy ways to catch their fish. And to know that there is a label at the fish market saying that this fish was caught using those good methods is nice to recognize. I do eat fish, even though I'm a vegetarian, I have to because I am anemic, we think. But watching that video made me not want to even go near fish for that weekend. It was horrible, and so sad. I have no jokes for it today..

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